Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"Death", endings, and one of my heroes

Currently reading:

"Rumpole and the Angel of Death"--John Mortimer
Always fun to read about grumpy yet endearing old men, even more so when one is a cheap-wine-drinking, sharp-edged skewer of human nature and yet untiring defender of lost causes.  And of course, in case Rumpole should become too proud of his achievements as a criminal defender, there is: "She Who Is To Be Obeyed" to bring him back to earth. 

"Necessary Endings"-Dr. Henry Cloud
Ouch!  It turns out, it's good for things to end: whether at work, in business, or in relationships.  I've only gotten a few chapters in, but am already relating this book to a lot of my past experiences.  Even wondering about how long I should continue in (one of my) current jobs.  After yesterday, I actually need to go back to this book for some encouragement, having ended (BY TEXT!) a relationship that I never should have let progress beyond "Nice to meet you".  As the Beatles sang, "Hello, Goodbye"...

"A Monstrous Regiment of Women" --Laurie R. King
It's rare that a month goes by when I don't pick up a LRK "Russell" book, just to see how things are going with Mary and use her as inspiration stock up on my own reserve of gumption.  If a character could come into my life and spend a day with me, I'd choose Russell.  I'd like to be like her, in several ways (mostly meaningful ways, but also it'd be great to eat quantities of cheese and bread and still stay rail-thin). 


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